Evaluation of Gelation Properties of Salt-Soluble Proteins Extracted from Protaetia brevitarsis Larvae and Tenebrio molitor Larvae and Application to Pork Myofibrillar Protein Gel System
- 한국축산식품학회
- Food Science of Animal Resources
- Food Science of Animal Resources 제43권 제6호
- 2023.11
- 1031 - 1043 (13 pages)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the functional properties of salt-soluble proteins obtained from Protaetia brevitarsis (PB) and Tenebrio molitor (TM) larvae, the interaction between these proteins and pork myofibrillar protein (MP) in a gel system. The gel properties of salt-soluble protein extracts showed that the PB had a higher viscosity than the TM protein. However, the TM protein had higher gel strength compared with the PB protein. The gelation characteristics of the pork MP gel systems added with lyophilized insect salt-soluble protein powder showed to decrease slightly viscosity compared with MP alone. Adding the TM or PB protein powder did not affect the pork MP’s hydrophobicity and sulfhydryl group levels. Furthermore, the protein bands of the MP did not change with the type or amount of insect salt-soluble protein. The cooking yields of the pork MP gels containing PB or TM protein powder were higher than those without insect protein. Regardless of the type of insect salt-soluble protein added, the pork MP’s gel strength decreased. Furthermore, as the level of insect powder increased, the surface protein structure became rough and porous. The results demonstrated that proteins extracted from PB and TM larvae interfered with the gelation of pork MP in a gel system.
Materials and Methods
Results and Discussion