최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

간호대학생의 졸업 후 재택간호 취업의도 및 관련 요인에 관한 연구

Factors related to Intention to Work as Home Visit Nurse among Nursing Students

  • 160

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the present situation and related factors among 3rd and, 4th-grade nursing students on the intention to work as home visit nurse after graduation. Methods: A descriptive quantitative study was conducted using a structured online questionnaire survey from May 26 to July 10, 2023. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, and x2 test analysis. Results: Nursing students who intended to be employed as home visit nurse were 26.8%, and working as a home visit nurse right after graduation and 10 years after graduation showed 0.0%, and 41.9% respectively. Factors influencing the intention of nursing students to work in home visit nursing were high awareness of home visit nursing (x2 =10.75, p=.005), interest in home-visit nursing (x2 =70.56, p=.000), and positive image about home-visit nursing (x2 =12.04, p=.002). Conclusion: It would be necessary to strengthen theoretical courses and practicum of home visit nursing care. Also, it would be necessary to develop an extra curriculum to provide various opportunities to encounter the characteristics of home visit nursing work.





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