The purpose of this case report is to describe the considerations in surgery first approach of a patient with skeletal Class III malocclusion. A 23-year-old male patient showed skeletal Class III malocclusion, labioversion of upper incisors and posterior teeth crossbite. Due to the conditions of patients living abroad, surgery first approach was planned. Le fort I osteotomy with 3-piece osteotomy was done to decompensate labioversion of upper incisors and expand upper jaw. The remaining extraction space was closed and occlusion was stabilized during the postoperative orthodontic treatment. After the orthodontic treat-ment, proper overjet and overbite were obtained and the protruded mandible was corrected. In surgery first approach, we are gradually increasing our understanding and predictability of postoperative skeletal and dental changes. Clinically satis-factory results will be achieved based on proper case selection and cooperation with surgeons.
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