에 생시르는 1789년 8월 4일 밤 제헌의회의 봉건제 폐지 선언을 신호탄으로 학교 수입의 몰수를 포함해 점차 그 권리가 축소되다가 결국 1793년 폐교되었다. 이 논문에서는 프랑스 혁명기 제헌의회부터 국민공회 시대에 이르기까지 혁명정부가 생시르를 폐교하는 과정을 고찰해 보았다. 이를 위해 혁명정부가 발표했던 교육 관련 법령들을 면밀히 분석해 생시르가 어떻게 폐교되었는지를 살펴보았다. 그럼으로써 생시르가 혁명정부에 의해 청산되어야 할 구체제의 유산이었으며 그러한 점에서 생시르는 절대왕권의 상징이었던 루이 14세의 통치와 긴밀한 관련이 있었음을 드러내 보이고자 했다.
When the Revolution of 1789 broke out, Saint-Cyr, which had been operating under the auspices of the absolute monarchy to educate aristocratic women, was far from the revolution. Therefore, the declaration of the constituent assembly on the night of august 4 which preconized the abolishment of feudalism signaled the gradual curtailment of its rights, including the confiscation of the school’s revenues, and it was finally closed in 1793. This paper examines the course by which the revolutionary government closed the Saint-Cyr during the French Revolution, from the Constituent Assembly to the National Convention. The progress of the abolition of Saint-Cyr was studied by closely analyzing the educational decrees issued by the revolutionary government. Therefore, this paper has tried to demonstrate that Saint-Cyr was a vestige of the ancient regime which was to be liquidated by the revolutionary government and in that sense, was closely related with the rule of Louis XIV, the symbol of absolute monarchy.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 생시르와 프랑스혁명
Ⅲ. 1793년 생시르의 폐교
Ⅳ. 맺음말