최근 검색어 전체 삭제

모사의료폐기물 성분분석을 통한 COVID-19 이후의 의료폐기물 발열량 예측 및 적정 소각방안 고찰

Prediction of Calorific Value of Simulated Medical Waste after COVID-19 Through Component Analysis and Consideration of Appropriate Incineration Plan

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The armunt of nmcal waste has been increasing significantly over the past 10 years due to the increase in nursing facilities due to an aging population and the outbreak of new infectious diseases such as COVID-19. In addition, due to the fact that disposable diapers are excluded from general medical waste through the Enforcement Decree of the Waste Managerrent Act in October 2019, the ratio of wastes with concerns about infection is increasing. Since infection waste cannot be opened, this study aims to predict the calorific value and incinerate medical waste according to the high calorific value by analyzing simulated medical waste and surveying the operation status of commercial medical waste incinerators. Characteristics and calorific value of 40 types of simulated medical wastes distributed in Korea and containers for COVID-19 waste were analyzed. The sirrrulated medical waste can be divided into plastics, vinyl and synthetic resins, and textiles, and the calorific value was irradiated with an average of 9,136 kcal/kg, 10,115 kcal/kg, and 4,336 kcal/kg, respectively, and the CDVID-19 exdusive container was 10,870 kcal/kg. has a very high calorific value. As shown in the sirrrulated medical waste analysis results, it contains a lot of vinyl, synthetic resins, and plastics, so it has a high calorific value. Accordingly, it is necessary to consider an appropriate incineration plan. Low Excess Air technology, Air Staging technology, combustion l.6tm/day, a dermnstration plant with Flue Gas Recirculation technology, Auto Air Control System (AACS), real-time calorific value monitoring system according to energy recovery efficiency calculation method, and SNCR optimizatim teclmol~ It is planned to be applied to an incinerator dedicated to medical waste.
