기포 유동충 반옹기에서 일회용 COVID-19 마스크의 CO₂ 가스화 특성 연구
Carbon dioxide gasification characteristics of disposable COVID-19 masks in a bubbling fluidized bed
- 한국환경에너지공학회
- 한국환경에너지공학회 학술대회지
- 2022년 춘계학술발표회
- 2022.06
- 259 - 259 (1 pages)
Globally, the demand for masks has increased due to COVID-19 and mutated viruses, resulting in 490,000 tons of waste masks per month. Waste masks have a risk of infection with viruses, and are difficult to recycle because they are made of multi-component polymers and iron. Conventional treatment methods, such as landfill and incineration cause environmental pollution. The gasification is a process that is easy to process multi-component plastics and can obtain syngas for various application. In this study, the reaction characteristics in mask carbon dioxide gasification and tar removal characteristics of activated carbon were investigated using a 1kg/h laboratory-scale bubble fluidized bed gasifier. The syngas composition is found to be 10.52 vol% of hydrogen, 6.18 vol% of carbon monoxide, 12.05 vol% of methane, 50.93 vol% of carbon dioxide, and 14.44 vol% of hydrocarbons (CrC3). The lower calorific value of the syngas was 19.38 MJ/Nm민 and the carbon conversion rate of the process was 70.78%. Through this study, it is possible to provide basic data of using greenhouse gas to useful product gas.