최근 검색어 전체 삭제

태양광 폐패널 회수 실리콘을 활용한 탄화규소 분말 합성

Synthesis of silicon carbide powder using silicon recovered from photovoltaic waste panel

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Silicon carbide powder was prepared using carbon black and silicon recovered from the solar waste panel. In the solar power generation market, crystalline silicon modules are more than 90%. As the expiration date of the photovoltaic module arrives, technology for recovering and utilizing silicon from an environmental and economic point of view is very important. In this study, in order to use silicon recovered from a solar waste panel as a silicon carbide raw material, 99.99% silicon powder was recovered through a purification process from a 95.74% purity waste silicon wafer. To examine the synthesis characteristics of silicon carbide powder, the purified 99.99% silicon powder and carbon powder were mixed, and then heat treatment (l,300° C, 1,400° C, 1,500° C) was performed in an Ar atmosphere. The characteristics of silicon and silicon carbide powder were analyzed using particle size distribution. XRD, SEM, ICP, FT-IR, and Raman analyzer.
