최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재후보 학술저널

The Evolution of Korean Moral Education for the Age of AI

  • 14

Purpose : The purpose of this study is to understand the contents and characteristics of Korean moral education in preparation for the artificial intelligence era. Education related to artificial intelligence can be largely divided into three flows. These three are artificial intelligence technology education, artificial intelligence convergence education, and artificial intelligence preparation education. This study aims to confirm the changes related to these three in Korean moral education. Method : In order to realize the purpose of this study, a literature analysis method was used targeting national-level data and local education office-level data. National-level data were targeted at the 2022 revised curriculum, and educational data presented by each office of education were analyzed. Results : The Korean moral education curriculum includes contents related to artificial intelligence by school level. It reflects the characteristics and goals of the moral education curriculum, content system, achievement standards, and evaluation areas related to artificial intelligence. Conclusion : Moral education in Korea has traditionally been deeply rooted. Moral education, which has contributed to the formation of Korean identity and characteristics, reflects the ethical issues and dilemmas related to artificial intelligence, a major change in the modern era. It can be seen that Korean moral education is very actively coping with the problem of conflict of social values brought by artificial intelligence.

I. Introduction

II. Research Trends on Moral Education in Korea

III. Artificial Intelligence Appears in the 2022 Moral Education Curriculum

IV. Support for Artificial Intelligence from the Ministry and the Office of Education

V. Conclusion
