최근 검색어 전체 삭제

유동층 반응기를 사용한 하수슬러지 가스화 특성 분석

Air Gasification Characteristics of Sewage Sludge in a Fluidized Bed Reactor

  • 9

Recently, gasification is one of the most important technology in terms of resource recycling of wastes. Sewage sludge occurs from the sewage treatment process, and the sludge treatment process is required before disposal to decrease the amount of landfills. The efficiency of the sewage treatment process could be increased through the sludge gasification process. This study aims to investigate the air gasification characteristics of sewage sludge using a 1 kg/h laboratory—scale bubbling fluidized bed gasifier. The syngas composition was 3.2 vol% of hydrogen, 5.4 vol% of carbon monoxide, 3.3 vol% of methane, and 2.8 vol% of hydrocarbons.(C₂ - C₃). The carbon conversion efficiency and cold gas efficiency of the gasifier are compared with previous study. This study provides basic data on sewage sludge gasification for useful syngas.
