최근 검색어 전체 삭제

CO₂ 포집과 직접 메탄화를 위한 촉매-흡착제 연구

Research on Catal-sorbent for CO₂ Capture and Direct Methanation

  • 13

The increasing amount of CO₂ being released into the atmosphere is affecting our lives in various ways, including causing natural disasters and destroying ecosystems. To address these environmental issues, Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) has been proposed as a method to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, specifically CO₂. In this research, a catalyst- absorbent composed of Ni as a catalyst and CaO as a CO₂ absorbent was used for the CO₂ capture and direct utilization process. The process involved absorbing CO₂ with CaO to form CaCO₃, which was then regenerated through a methanation reaction at 500°C using H₂ (Ni/CaCO₃ + 4H₂ - Ni/CaO + CH₄ + 2H₂O). This method prevented the thermal sintering of CaO caused by the high regeneration temperature (900°C) typically seen in the conventional CO₂ absorption- regeneration process using CaO. The approach demonstrated stability in multiple experiments, showing high CO₂ capture and CH₄ production rates. Consequently, the Ni/CaO catalyst- sorbent was effectively regenerated, activating the catalyst and converting captured CO₂ into useful chemicals, thereby reducing thermal energy and simplifying the current process.
