최근 검색어 전체 삭제

전국 교육대학교의 학교 상징 분석

An Analysis of School Symbols in National Universities of Education

Recently, with the decrease in the school-age population and the negative outlook facing universities, both in terms of the internal and external environment, the Ministry of Education has been providing integration support to universities. With university integration emerging as a realistic approach to achieving growth, universities of education cannot ignore these practical issues. This study seeks to examine the identity of universities of education, established with the purpose of training elementary school teachers, and provides data analyzing school symbols from 10 national universities of education as an approach to understanding their independence. A school can be symbolized in various ways. The diverse symbols of these 10 universities of education were collected from their websites, and a comparison of educational philosophy and objectives was conducted prior to the analysis of these symbols. While most previous studies related to universities of education focus on comparing curricula, research that provides such foundational data beyond curriculum topics also has its own value.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 교육대학교의 교육이념 및 교육목적

Ⅲ. 교육대학교의 학교 상징 비교 분석

Ⅳ. 결론 및 제언
