최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

Exploration of Core Competencies from Delphi Survey and Design of Their Measurement Tools and Teaching & Learning Programs for Environmental Education in Elementary Schools

DOI : 10.31216/BDL.20230027

This study aims to establish core competencies for environmental education in elementaryschools, develop its measurement tools, and explore program grouping methods. Toaddress these goals, three research questions were posed: identifying core competencyelements, determining their assessment tools, and exploring the best ways to organizeenvironmental education programs to develop the core competencies. Using a Delphi surveyand literature review, the research pinpointed core elements such as 'autonomy', 'reflectiveability', 'environmental sensitivity', and 'critical thinking ability', among others. Based onthese competencies, 34 assessment items were devised. To enhance these competencies,a 'theme integration method' was proposed, intertwining environmental education withother curriculum topics. The study emphasizes the importance of an integrated approach,ensuring students grasp environmental subjects while achieving other learning objectives. Consequently, the measurement tools and learning & teaching programs for environmentaleducation in elementary schools presented in this study assist teachers in customizingenvironmental topics based on regional, school, and individual teaching goals, rooted in theintended core competencies.


Research Methods

Results and Discussion


Conclusion and Suggestion

Conflicts of Interest


