최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

Validation of the Korean Teacher WellBeing Scale (K-TWBS): For secondary school teachers

DOI : 10.31216/BDL.20230028

This study aims to validate the Teacher Well-Being Scale developed by Collie (2014), whichis to measure teacher well-being for Korean teachers. For this purpose, the reliability ofthe scale and its three sub-factors were confirmed using a sample of 338 middle and highschool teachers, and both convergent validity with the TSWQ and discriminant validity withthe MBI have been verified. The result of the study is as follows. The reliability of the teacherwell-being scale was analyzed to be .925 (.830~.868). According to the factor analysis usingthe maximum likelihood method with orthogonal rotation, the scale was mapped intothree factors with an eigenvalue of 1 as the standard. The factor loading for each factor wasabove .3, and it was confirmed that all 16 questions were loaded on the intended factors. Lastly, as a result of checking the convergent validity and discriminant validity with otherscales, significant results were obtained. The K-TWBS validated in this study measures thewell-being of teachers in Korea and identifies the relationship between the characteristics ofthe teaching profession and each of both the positive resources and well-being of teachers. Such identification is expected to possibly contribute to the prevention of psychologicaldysfunction in teachers as well as the improvement of teachers' strengths and resources.


Theoretical Background



Construct Validity Verification

Conclusion and Discussion

Conflicts of Interest

