Unveiling Argumentation Skill Profiles: Using Toulmin’s Argumentation Model on Senior High School Students' Responses to General Biology Open-Ended Questions
- 한국교원대학교 뇌기반교육연구소
- Brain, Digital, & Learning
- 제13권 제4호
- 2023.12
- 553 - 571 (19 pages)
In the pursuit of effective scientific communication, scholars employ argumentation—anidea-anchoring process using reliable evidence. This study focuses on nurturing scientificargumentation skills among 280 high school students in the Philippines, specifically ingeneral biology, using Toulmin’s model. Participants from Bayambang National High Schoolresponded to a 15-item open-ended questionnaire; six items were used for Toulmin’sanalysis, categorizing responses into five levels. Using Chi-square tests, we exploredassociations between response distribution, grade levels, and gender differences. Resultsshow a correlation between grade levels and argumentation proficiency, notably 12th-gradestudents in levels 4 to 5. No significant gender-based differences emerged, indicating fairnessin argumentation skills. Emphasizing the positive impact of integrating argumentation andscientific literacy in fostering critical thinking, Toulmin's model for daily science assessmentsis recommended. Effective teacher questioning and dilemmatic queries stimulate diversethinking. Educators defining criteria for a "good" argument and providing targetedinstruction for students' proficiency are pivotal. Studying formative assessment in Philippinebiology refines practices, informs academia, and supports an inclusive education system foreducators and policymakers, recognizing the dynamic nature of argumentation skills.
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