최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

The Impact of Experiential Learning Program for Advanced Science on the Students’ Science Career Orientation

DOI : 10.31216/BDL.20230033

The purpose of this study aims to analyze the effectiveness of experiential learning programsin advanced science, which were conducted as a community engagement programorganized by the STAR Bridge Center (School Teacher And Research Institute) at K University. To do this, the one group pretest–posttest research was conducted to examine the sciencecareer orientation among 194 participants who agreed to take part in the research. Theresearch findings are as follows: First, students who participated in the experiential learningprogram for advanced science showed an improvement in their science career orientation. Second, depending on the school level, the science career orientation has improved forthe elementary and middle school students. Among the elementary school students, bothboys and girls saw an increase in the science career orientation scores, while among themiddle school students, the science career orientation increased for boys more. Third, withinthe group of the participating students, those aspiring to non-STEM (Science, Technology,Engineering, and Mathematics) field careers, both male and female students, showed anincrease in the science career orientation. Among the students with aspirations for the STEMfield careers, the science career orientation scores showed specifically an improvement forthe female students.


Research Methods



Conclusion and Implication


Conflicts of Interest

