최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

20대 젊은 성인의 우울과 사회적 자본의 관련성: 2019년 지역사회 건강조사 자료 연구

Association Between Depression and Social Capital in Adults Aged 20s: The Community Health Survey 2019 Data Study

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Objectives The purpose of this study was to examine the association between social capital and depression in adults in their 20s. Methods The study used data from the Community Health Survey 2019 (CHS 2019). The CHS 2019 covered a representative sample of 229099 adults from 17 census tracts in the Republic of Korea, of which 19589 adults in their 20s were taken as subjects for this study. The subjects completed a survey with questions regarding demographic characteristics, built environment and social capital. The symptoms of depression were evaluated through the Patient Health Question-naire (PHQ)-9. Multiple logistic regression was used to examine whether social capital was asso-ciated with depression. Results The multiple logistic regression results indicated that social capital was associated with depression in adults in their 20s. When demographic characteristics and built environment were included in the analysis, trust, contact with relatives, contact with friends, and social activities were associated with depression in adults in their 20s. Conclusion A lack of social capital was associated with depression in Korean adults in their 20s. Our study suggests a need to look beyond individual factors to intervene in national and community social capital and prevent depression in adults in their 20s.




