최근 검색어 전체 삭제

The Mediating Role of Anxiety/Depression Between Auditory Verbal Hallucinations and the Level of Insight in Schizophrenia

The Mediating Role of Anxiety/Depression Between Auditory Verbal Hallucinations and the Level of Insight in Schizophrenia

DOI : 10.30773/pi.2023.0396

Objective Auditory verbal hallucination (AVH) is a prominent symptom of schizophrenia causing profound distress. The influence of AVHs on insight appears to be intricate and contingent on other accompanying symptoms. This study investigated the relationship and possible mediators between AVHs and the degree of insight.Methods One hundred patients with schizophrenia participated in the study. Scales were used to evaluate the hallucinatory experience, the level of insight and other psychopathology. Complex relationships between variables were envisaged as a path model, whose initial structure was constructed via Gaussian Graphical Model. The validity of the final model was verified by Structural Equation Modeling. Separate analyses were performed for self-reported and clinician-rated data to enhance the model’s robustness.Results The greater the severity of the physical aspects of AVHs, the lower the level of insight observed. Conversely, higher emotional distress was associated with increased insight. These relationships were only evident in the self-reported results and were not reflected in the clinician-rated results. The path model suggested that the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) anxiety/depression factor was an important mediator that linked the found association. Notably, the PANSS negative symptom had the opposite effect on the PANSS anxiety/depression factor and insight, making it difficult to define its overall effect.Conclusion The findings of this study provided one possible route for the positive influence of AVH experience in gaining insight. The mediating role of anxiety/depression modified by negative symptoms emerged as a valuable concept for clarifying this intricate relationship.





