방광 거대세포 요로상피암종의 잇몸전이: 증례 및 문헌고찰
Gingival metastasis from giant cell urothelial carcinoma of bladder: a case report and review of the literature
- 조선대학교 의학연구원
- The Medical Journal of Chosun University
- 제49권 제1호
- 2024.04
- 10 - 14 (5 pages)
Invasive urothelial carcinoma of bladder has a remarkable diversity of histologic subtypes. The giant cell urothelial carcinoma is a rare subtype by the current WHO classification. It is an aggressive tumor with an advanced stage and poor prognosis. However, cases with metastasis to the oral cavity are extremely rare. The author reports a very rare case of giant cell urothelial carcinoma of bladder with gingival metastasis in an 84-year-old man. He presented with visible hematuria. Abdomen and pelvis CT show relatively ill-defined multiple mass in bladder neck and left ureteral orifice. TUR-B biopsy exhibits pT1 stage with components of invasive giant cell urothelial carcinoma and high grade papillary urothelial carcinoma. Nine months after the TUR-B, He developed gingival metastasis. Unfortunately, the patient died 12 months after the diagnosis of bladder cancer