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KCI등재 학술저널

중국 작곡가 조원임의 예술가곡 ‘비를 듣다(听雨)’의 가창 방법 연구

A study on the singing method of Chinese composer Zhao Yuanren art song ‘Listening to the Rain’

DOI : 10.30832/JMES.2024.59.199

중국의 예술가곡은 20세기 초에 서양에서 중국으로 전해진 후 지금까지 빠르게 성장하면서 지난 100여년 간 가장 중요한 음악 형식으로 자리매김했다. 유명한 언어학자이자 수학자, 음악가인 조원임은 중국 예술가곡을 창시하고 공헌한 사람으로 중국 전통 음악의 특징과 서양 음악 창작 기법을 혼합하여 새로운 현대 음악을 만들어냈다. 이에 본 연구에서는 그가 작곡한 예술가곡 ‘비를 듣다’를 음운학적 관점, 음악적 관점에서 살펴보고, 기존 음악가의 가창 음원 분석하여 효과적인 가창 방법을 연구하였다. 연구 결과, 호흡의 활용을 통한 단단한 발성, 비브라토를 비롯한 꾸밈음의 활용, 노래에 적합한 음색의 표현, 가사에 따른 감정의 몰입, 시를 기반한 낭독의 리듬 등의 측면에서 가창 방법을 제안하였다. 연구 결과는 3인의 중국 성악가의 검토를 통해 객관성을 담보하고자 하였다. 이 연구가 조원임의 예술가곡을 노래하는 많은 성악가들과 후학들에게 좋은 지침이 될 수 있기를 바라며, 한국에 중국의 예술가곡이 활발하게 전해지는 계기가 되기를 기대한다.

Zhao Yuanren was a famous Chinese linguist and composer in the early 20th century. While studying the Chinese language, he began to create art songs with Chinese national characteristics, and achieved great results. Not only that, he was also one of the first Chinese composers to use western music creation techniques. Zhao Yuanren used his language research results and music research results. He combined Chinese folk music with Western creative techniques and created a new Chinese art songs. As a result of all these aspects of his achievements. Artists like Xiao Youmei called him Oriental Schubert. This research is based on "Listening to the Rain 听雨" in Zhao Yuanren's early art song. We find that "Listening to the Rain 听雨" is Zhao Yuanren's reading style of Chinese opera poetry. At the same time, on the basis of Chinese folk music, combined with western music creation techniques, the songs of early Chinese artists were born. During the course of this study, I analyzed the overall structure and music of this art song. According to the results of Zhao Yuanren's linguistics research, I also analyzed the pronunciation method of the lyrics. It also analyzes the singing version of the famous Chinese singers. Finally, I suggested how to sing the song. In order to objectify the results of this study, I discussed with three Chinese singers and university professors. The study results are presented as follows. The study results are presented as follows: First, keep your breathing at about 50%. The breath of the voice is not shaken. Make full use of the diaphragm to sing. In this way, singing can keep the same feelings from beginning to end. Second, the song does not have significant mood changes and timbre differences. The rhythm is very steady. The vibration frequency of the sound should be very soft, concise, delicate, just like the feeling of leaves falling in the breeze. Third, in the timbre, the voice can not be heavy, relax to sing. Make the voice feel soft. But the sound should distinguish between bright and dim. Fourth, rather than a strong emotional engagement. More need to have a hazy feeling and missing the feeling. Sing this song with sad feelings. Fifth, this song is an art song created based on the new poems as the lyrics. So sing like a poem.Therefore, we should pay special attention to the tone of Chinese Chinese and the rhythm of reading after singing. And perfect correspond to western music. So be sure to use the rules of pronunciation lyrics invented by Zhao Yuanren. Chinese art songs have now become one of the central genres of Chinese vocal music."Listen to the Rain" is a song of early Chinese artists, and it is the basis of understanding the whole Chinese art song. But now due to the western sound and pronunciation, it can not fully show the beauty of Chinese art songs. I hope that the research results will have a meaningful impact on famous Chinese singers and also on students learning Chinese music.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 조원임의 음운학과 예술가곡

Ⅲ. 연구 방법

Ⅳ. 작품 분석 및 가창법

Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언

