최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

생명지킴이 교육의 구성요소 및 개선방안 검토: 정신질환자의 가족 개입을 중심으로

A Review on the Components and Improvements of Gatekeeper Training: Focusing on Family Intervention of People With Mental Illness

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Objectives Patients with mental disorders (PMD) are at high risk of suicide, and family intervention is effective in preventing suicide of PMD. On the other hand, existing training programs only em-phasize the role of the family and do not present specific contents. This review examines the com-ponents, problems, and improvement measures of gatekeeper training and proposes points to be considered in gatekeeper training programs for families in high-risk suicide groups (e.g., PMD). Methods The review included 16 academic papers and research reports, and a literature search was conducted on the following websites: PubMed, APA PsycARTICLES, DBpia, and Korea Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Results Most of the gatekeeper training was provided to the general public, and it can improve knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy, and behavioral intention for suicide prevention. Nevertheless, the training programs specialized for families of PMD and the effectiveness studies based on the randomized controlled trial were insufficient. Conclusion In the future, it will be necessary to develop customized training programs for par-ticipants who are closely related to high-risk suicide groups (e.g., families of PMD) and continue research on the effectiveness.

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