최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

근거기반 정신건강 프로그램 발굴을 위한 지역사회 프로그램 현황 조사

Operational Status and Evidence Assessment of Community Mental Health Programs in Korea

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Objectives This study analyzed the current state of community mental health programs in Ko-rea to develop evidence-based criteria for these programs. Methods Seventy community mental health facilities nationwide were surveyed about the scope of their operated mental health programs. Details, including program structure, staff expertise, standardization, and quality management, of the 511 programs submitted by the facilities as their representative programs were also analyzed to evaluate their efforts for evidence-based practice. Results The average number of programs operated by community mental health welfare cen-ters was 15.9. The most common programs were those related to serious mental illness (SMI), followed by child/adolescent mental health programs, early psychosis programs, and non-SMI adult mental health programs. In the case of community addiction management centers, there were 7.2 different addiction-related programs per center. Among the psychiatric rehabilitation fa-cilities for SMI, the average number of programs for SMI was 13.1, with some programs for early psychosis. Of the 511 programs submitted as representative programs in their facilities, only 12.3% were judged to be good evidence-based programs. Conclusion More efforts by mental health professionals and governments are needed to imple-ment evidence-based programs in Korea.

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