최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

심리부검 면담을 통해 수집한 자살사망자 정보의 특성

Characteristics of Suicide Victim Information Through Psychological Autopsy

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Objectives This study examined the characteristics of data obtained through psychological au-topsy interviews by comparing them with suicide victim data from a comprehensive investigation. Methods For analysis, the psychological autopsy interview data held by the Korea Foundation for Suicide Prevention were compared with suicide victim data from a comprehensive investiga-tion based on the latest three years (2018–2020) by year of death. Results The analysis showed that the information collected through psychological autopsy in-terviews pertained to individuals employed at the time of death and had spouses or cohabitants. Compared to the comprehensive investigation, the psychological autopsy interviews estimated a higher proportion of relationship and mental health issues as the primary causes of suicide and detected language, behavior, and emotional warning signs at a higher rate. Conclusion Despite limitations, such as estimation issues of interviewees and investigators, dif-ferences in detailed items between the two data sources, and the high proportion of unknowns in the comprehensive investigation data, this study is significant in understanding the character-istics of nationally conducted psychological autopsy data. Future continuous analysis is antici-pated to contribute to the development of effective suicide prevention strategies

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