최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

취약계층 노인의 허약예방 프로그램 활성화를 위한 지역사회자원연계 사례: 노인맞춤돌봄서비스 생활지원사의 돌봄대상자

Community Resource Linkage to Revitalize Frailty Prevention Programs for Vulnerable Seniors: Persons Receiving Care from Living Support Workers in the Elderly Customized Care Project

  • 76

Purpose: This study evaluates the effectiveness of providing frailty prevention services by living support workers through a case of community resource connection centered on living support workers to revitalize frailty prevention programs for vulnerable elderly people. Methods: This is a research study using secondary data from a neighborhood health-sharing project among the integrated health promotion projects of one public health center in Daegu Metropolitan City. To assess frailty effects pre-assessments were conducted in August, and post-assessments were conducted in November. Frailty was measured using a 20-item frailty instrument used in home healthcare projects. Data were analyzed using the chi-square, independent t-test, and paired t-test. Results: Preliminary measurements showed that older elderly had higher frailty scores than younger elderly. However, among the elderly aged 75 or older the total frailty score decreased statistically significantly from 5.97 points to 5.30 points (t=3.03, p=.003). Conclusion: The older elderly showed greater effect of frailty prevention than the younger elderly.

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