최근 검색어 전체 삭제


Sino-Korean Science and Technology Cooperation: Review, Challenges and Prospects

  • 89

中韩两国自1992 年建交以来,科技合作历程展现了两国在科技创新与发展方面的 持续探索与扩展。此合作早期以基础布局为主,随后逐步深入至高科技与创新领域。中韩 科技合作从基础层面发展至战略性深层合作,尤其在过去十余年中,民间科技合作显著增 长。面对逆全球化与贸易保护主义的兴起,中韩科技合作模式与领域亟需重新审视和适应 新时代要求。两国须共同寻求突破,把握新的合作机遇并应对新挑战,以产业链供应链的 安全稳定为战略目标,加强企业间战略互信,并在大数据、区块链、人工智能等前沿科技 领域加强合作。在新形势下,中韩需赋予科技合作新内涵、新使命,共同维护产供链的稳 定畅通,增强区域生产网络的韧性。两国应坚持初心,尊重彼此发展道路及核心利益,妥 善处理敏感问题,维护良好双边关系,为科技合作全面重启和稳健前行奠定坚实基础。

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1992, the course of Sino-Korean technological cooperation has demonstrated the continuous exploration and expansion of both countries in the field of technological innovation and development. Initially, this cooperation was primarily focused on basic layout, and then gradually delved into high-tech and innovative fields. Sino-Korean technological cooperation has evolved from basic levels to strategic in-depth collaboration, particularly with a significant increase in private sector technological cooperation in the past decade. In the face of rising anti-globalization and trade protectionism, the mode and scope of Sino-Korean technological cooperation urgently need to be reevaluated and adapted to the demands of the new era. Both countries must jointly seek breakthroughs, seize new cooperation opportunities, and face new challenges, with the strategic goal of ensuring the security and stability of industrial and supply chains, strengthening strategic trust between enterprises, and intensifying cooperation in cutting-edge technological fields such as big data, blockchain, and artificial intelligence. Under the new circumstances, China and South Korea need to endow technological cooperation with new implications and missions, jointly maintain the stable and smooth operation of production and supply chains, and enhance the resilience of regional production networks. Both parties should adhere to their original aspirations, respect each other's development paths and core interests, properly handle sensitive issues, maintain good bilateral relations, and lay a solid foundation for a comprehensive reboot and steady progress in technological cooperation.

1. 中韩建交后科技合作回顾

2. 中韩科技合作面临的新变化与新挑战

3. 构建面向未来的中韩科技合作

4. 结语
