최근 검색어 전체 삭제

70 年代前半期驻韩美军减撤问题与韩美关系变动

The Withdrawal of USFK and Changes in South Korea-U.S. Relations in the First Half of the 1970s

  • 81

驻韩美军不仅是美国对韩安全保护的直接战略力量,是更是牵动和实时反映韩美同盟变 化的关键指标,这一现象在上世纪七十年代前半期有过集中体现。60 年代末,越南战争的愈发 胶着,国内反战运动的振起,经济走势低迷,美国正逐步深陷泥潭。尼克松上台之后,在亚洲 范围内实施收缩政策,驻韩美军撤军计划被提上日程。在多番艰苦协商之下,两万兵力从韩国 境内撤出。韩美之间也因此产生摩擦,出现同盟信任危机,韩美关系降至冰点。福特政府接任 后为消除韩方的安保危机感,保证朝鲜半岛的军事平衡,在重新评估后下令暂停驻韩美军撤军 计划。同时为提高韩国的自主国防能力,继续向韩国提供军事援助,援助方式也由此前的无偿 军事援助转变为对外军售和军事贷款。自此韩美关系相较上一任有较大缓和,韩国国防的现代 化进程也得以迅速推进。

The USFK is not only the direct strategic force of the United States to protect the security of South Korea, but also the key indicator that affects and reflects the changes of the South Korea-U.S. Alliance in real time. This phenomenon was particularly evident in the first half of the 1970s. By the late 1960s, as the Vietnam War intensified and domestic anti-war movements surged, coupled with economic downturns, the U.S. was gradually sinking into the mire. Subsequently, the Nixon administration implemented a policy of retrenchment in Asia and planned to withdraw U.S. troops stationed in Korea. After multiple consultations between Korea and the U.S., a force of 20,000 troops was withdrawn from Korean. This withdrawal caused a crisis of alliance trust between Korea and the U.S.,and relations between South Korea and the United States fell to the freezing point. However, the Ford administration, in an effort to alleviate South Korea's security concerns and ensure military balance on the Korean Peninsula, ordered a suspension of the withdrawal of U.S. troops stationed in South Korea after reassessing the situation. At the same time, to enhance South Korea's autonomous defense capability, the U.S. continued to provide military assistance to South Korea, transitioning from gratuitous military aid to foreign military sales and military loans. Since then, compared to the previous administration, there has been a significant easing of tensions in South Korea-U.S. relations, and the modernization process of South Korea's defense has also been rapidly advancing.

1. 引论

2. 尼克松政府时期驻韩美军减撤与韩美关系

3. 福特时期驻韩美军减撤计划调整与韩美关系

4. 结语
