최근 검색어 전체 삭제


Comparative Study on the Transnational Application Models for UNESCO World Heritage and the Development between China and South Korea

  • 90

跨国联合申遗不仅是观察该国人文交流/文化外交的良好角度,也在联合国教科文 组织的鼓励下成为新潮流。十余年历程中,中韩两国的跨国联合申遗合作虽仍处在成长 期,但也已发展出各自的特定范式。本文通过分析大量实证资料,对中韩两国的跨国联合 申遗模式及其发展进行案例对比研究,总结得出经过十余年跨国申遗发展,韩国渐进发 展、点对点申遗和注重后续保护的项目式培养模式和中国的持续隐形主导、嵌入式申遗但 后续保护不足的战略式谋划模式,以及两国重视前期制度投资的共性。此外,本文还结合 中韩申遗的现实讨论空间,对开展中韩联合申遗以促进两国人文交流的前景提出了展望。

Transnational applications for UNESCO World Heritage have not only provided a valuable perspective on observing cultural exchange and cultural diplomacy in each country but have also become a new trend encouraged by UNESCO. The past decade has witnessed a growing stage of transnational applications both in China and South Korea. Both countries have developed their own specific patterns in this field. The article conducts a comparative case study on the joint application models and their development in both China and South Korea through analyzing empirical evidences. It concludes that after more than a decade of exploration, South Korea has developed a model with step-by-step evolution, point-to-point application, and project-based cultivation focusing on subsequent protection. On the other hand, China has adopted a strategic planning model with consistently invisible leadership and national-strategy-embedded application. However, the subsequent protection after successful applications is insufficient in China. Both countries share an emphasis on early-stage institutional investment, which is rewarding for heritage application and transnational cooperation. Additionally, the article discusses the prospects of conducting joint applications between China and South Korea to promote bilateral cultural exchange with a practical perspective.

1. 引论

2. 中韩两国的跨国申遗发展路径的对比

3. 中韩之间的联合申遗展望

4. 结论
