최근 검색어 전체 삭제

探析涉及朝鲜族电影中朝鲜的流散与群体声音的缺失 ― 基于个案叙事访谈的分析

Exploration and Analysis of the Diaspora of North Korea and the Lack of Group Voice in Korean-Chinese Films — An Analysis Based on Narrative Interviews of Individual Cases

  • 69

近年来国内及韩国电影中朝鲜族形象的塑造往往将朝鲜族角色置于争议事件或迷茫 与迷失等情节中,体现了他们在异国他乡中所面临的困境与挑战。韩国各地有很多朝鲜族 青少年,通过对他们的个案访谈,探讨了朝鲜族在跨文化影像空间中主体性的缺失。本文 还引用福柯的话语理论,分析了话语权力在塑造朝鲜族形象中的作用并提出在现实社会结 构中寻找新策略,使朝鲜族自身语言有效化,确立自我。

have frequently been placed amidst controversial events or tangled plots, reflecting the challenges and difficulties they face in foreign lands. Korean-Chinese teenagers are common across South Korea nationwide. Through individual interviews with them, this paper explored the absence of subjectivity/identity in the cross-cultural image space of Korean-Chinese individuals. The paper also cites Foucault's discourse theory to analyze the role of discourse power in shaping the image of the Korean-Chinese people. Additionally, it suggests the exploration of new strategies in the actual social structure to enable the effective use of the Korean-Chinese people's own language and the establishment of their own identity.

1. 书写与被书写

2. 流散与迷茫

3. 话语的权力与失语

4. 结语
