2004 年联合国教科文组织以“创意城市网络”为主题,开启了以创意和文化产业为发 展战略,开展国际合作,推动城市与区域的可持续发展。以此为契机,本文以中韩两国为 研究对象,重点考察创意城市的理论依据以及中韩两国设计之都的创意文化积累,梳理发 挥文化引擎作用的案例。
In 2004, UNESCO launched the "Creative City Network" as a theme, initiating international cooperation and promoting the sustainable development of cities and regions through creativity and cultural industries as development strategies. Seizing this opportunity, this paper focuses on China and South Korea as research subjects, with a particular emphasis on examining the theoretical basis of creative cities and the accumulation of creative culture in the "Design Capitals" of both countries. It also examines cases that demonstrate the role of cultural engines. As of 2023, the elected "Design Capitals" in China and South Korea include Seoul, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing, and Wuhan. The Creative City Network is a process that moves from the current urban situation to academic standards and then back to practical application. Existing theories of the Creative City Network mostly focus on the concept of "creative cities". However, the author suggests that focusing on the "urban network", i.e., the interaction and communication between cities, will be a direction worthy of further attention in subsequent research.
1. 创意城市网络
2. 创意城市相关理论探讨
3. 联合国教科文组织“创意城市参考指标”
4. 中韩设计之都