최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재후보 학술저널

농업부산물의 고열량 연료 및 바이오차 전환을 위한 최적 열처리 조건 연구

Researching optimal heat treatment conditions for the conversion of agriculture residue into high-calorie value fuels and biochar

DOI : 10.55079/jtee.2024.19.1.39
  • 22

The raw material for the mushroom medium is manufactured from woo d sawdust, which is biomass. The main focus of this study can be said to be discov ering a use for the spent medium discarded after harvesting mushrooms. Plants abs orb carbon dioxide through photosynthesis and store it as biomass, and when this biomass is buried in soil, microorganisms decompose it over approximately 10 year s, releasing the carbon back into the environment. As a result, the stored carbon re mains sequestered and does not contribute to carbon emissions about 10 years. Ho wever, converting biomass into bio-char rearranges it into the stable isotope 13C, which is not subject to biological decomposition. This allows us to confirm the carb on sequestration effect of bio-char. This study investigates the conversion of mushr oom waste medium, an agricultural by-product, into bio-fuels and bio-char through thermal-treatment. Starting from 350°C, the standard temperature recognized as bio -char, the characteristics of bio-pellet fuel at low temperatures and bio-char at hi gh temperatures were analyzed. We analyzed the optimal conditions for conversion to biofuel (bio-char, bio-pellet fuel) to reduce greenhouse gases, and separately e valuated the fuel characteristics of bio-pellets and the CO2 adsorption capacity of bio-char.

1. 서 론

2. 실험방법

3. 결 과

4. 결 론
