교대근무 간호사의 일과 삶의 균형과 불면증이 건강증진행위에 미치는 영향
The Influence of Work-Life Balance and Insomnia Severity on Shift Working Nurses’ Health Promotion Behaviors
- 한국직업건강간호학회
- 한국직업건강간호학회지
- 제33권 제3호
- 2024.08
- 109 - 116 (8 pages)
Purpose: This study aimed to identify the influence of work-life balance and insomnia severity on shift working nurses’ health promotion behaviors. Methods: Participants were 152 nurses who worked rotating shifts at a general hospital. Data were collected from August 2 to 16, 2023 and analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and multiple regression analysis using SPSS/WIN 25.0. Results: The participants exhibited high insomnia severity and low scores in both work-life balance and health promotion behaviors. Health promotion behaviors were positively correlated with work-life balance but negatively correlated with insomnia severity. The key factors influencing shift-working nurses’ health promotion behaviors included work-life balance (β=.37, p<.001) and gender (female) (β=-.17, p=.026), with an explanatoty power of 18% (F=12.35, p<.001). Conclusion: Work-life balance is a significant variable affecting shift-working nurses’ health promotion behaviors. The health of nurses is crucial not only for their personal well-being but also for ensuring the patient safety. Therefore, flexible work systems and adaptable health program schedules must be implemented to promote the health of shift-working nurses.
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