최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

간호·간병통합서비스 병동과 일반병동 간호사의 심리사회적 업무환경과 건강결과와의 관련성

Relationships between Psychosocial Work Environment and Health Outcomes among Nurses in Integrated Nursing Care Wards and General Wards

DOI : 10.5807/kjohn.2024.33.3.127
  • 15

Purpose: This study aimed to examine the differences in nurses’ psychosocial work environment (PWE) in integrated nursing care wards (IWs) with higher nurse staffing and general wards (GWs) with lower staffing, and to analyze the effect of PWE on their health outcomes. Methods: Data were collected from 151 nurses in IWs and 156 nurses in GWs at a tertiary hospital in Seoul in 2023. The Korean version of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire III was used to measure PWE and health outcomes. Regression analyses were conducted to examine the effect of PWE on health outcomes. Results: The most negative aspects of the nurses’ work environment were found in the work demand domain. IW nurses (vs. GW nurses) reported lower work demand, better work organization and job contents, and a more positive work-individual interface. Nurse health outcomes were also better in the IWs. Lower work demand and better work-individual interfaces were positively associated with improved health outcomes, while ward type (IW vs. GW) was not significantly related to health outcomes. Conclusion: Reducing work demand by expanding integrated nursing care services nationwide and improving nurse staffing in GWs is crucial for improving health outcomes.

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