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KCI등재 학술저널

‘樂浪望族’ 李仁德 出自의 재검토

A Review on the Origin of Lee In-deok, who claimed to be a descendant of ‘the prestigious family of Nakrang’

DOI : 10.22912/dgsh.2024..80.221
  • 25

고구려 멸망(668) 이후 唐 內地로 徙民된 고구려 유민 및 그 후예와 관련, 사료의 出自 기록이 애매하여 민족 정체성 논란이 큰 인물의 하나가 李仁德(672~733)이다. 초기 연구자들은 「이인덕 묘지명」에 그의 선조를 ‘樂浪望族’이라고 표현한 것에 주목해 樂浪과의 관련성을 언급하는 정도에 그쳤다. 이후 여러 선행연구에서 唐玄宗이 中宗 皇后 韋氏 일파 제거를 위해 일으킨 政變에 참여한 이인덕을 고구려 유민으로 추정하였다. 반면, 다른 선행연구에서는 「이인덕 묘지명」의 ‘樂浪望族’ 서술만으로 그를 고구려계 인물로 단정하기 어렵다고 하면서, 이인덕 공훈 작호 ‘金城郡開國子’ 중 郡號인 ‘金城郡’이 소그드인 연고지이었던 점 그리고 그의 私第 소재지 ‘醴泉里’ 및 葬地 ‘高陽原’이 모두 唐京 長安城 내 소그드인의 집단 거주지 및 장지이었다는 점을 들어 이인덕을 소그드계 인물로 추정하였다. 이에 본고에서 주요 쟁점의 논거를 재검토한 결과, 「이인덕 묘지명」의 ‘樂浪望族’ 표현만으로 이인덕 가계를 고구려와 연결시키는 것이 어렵지만, 역으로 굳이 고구려와 관련이 깊은 ‘낙랑’을 郡望과 연결한 이유도 설명하기 어렵다. 또한 이인덕 공훈 郡號인 ‘金城郡’은 고구려 유민이 徙民되고 고구려 단결병으로도 활동한 隴右道 지역에 속하였기에, 도리어 이인덕의 고구려계 출자 개연성을 입증할 논거가 될 수 있다. 그리고 장안성 내 거주한 고구려 및 소그드계 등 異域 출신 유력 인물들의 私第 소재 구역 및 葬地가 반드시 出自에 따라 고정된 것이 아닌 여러 사례를 확인하였다. ‘낙랑망족’ 이인덕의 出自 문제는 기존에 알려진 논거만으로 고구려계 유민으로 분류하기 어렵지만, 고구려 유민이 아니라고 단정하기도 쉽지 않다고 할 수 있다.

Lee In-deok(672-733), one of the most controversial figures in his ethnic identity, seems to be related to Goguryeo refugees and their descendants who were massively relocated to the interior of the Tang Dynasty after the collapse of Goguryeo in 668. Early researchers only mentioned the possibility of being related to Nakrang, noting that his ancestors were described as “the prestigious family of Nakrang(樂浪望 族)” in the Lee In-deok tomb’s inscription. Since then, several previous studies have presumed that Lee In-deok, who participated in the royal coup d’état started by Emperor Xuanzong(玄宗) of the Tang Dynasty to remove the Empress Wi(韋) of Emperor Zhongzong(中宗), was a descendant of Goguryeo. On the other hand, other previous studies found that it was difficult to conclude that he was a descendant of Goguryeo refugees only with the description of “the prestigious family of Nakrang” in his tomb inscription. Some preceding researchers then assumed Lee In-deok as a Sogdian, citing that “Jincheng-jun Kaiguozi(金城郡開國子),” which means “the aristocrat who made a great contribution to the country as a native of Jincheng-jun,” was historically the affiliated area of the Sogdians, and secondly, “Liquan-li(醴泉里),” where his private mansion was located, and “Gaoyang-yuan(高陽原),” where his tomb was located, were both the collective residences and cemeteries of the Sogdians in Changan(長安), the capital of the Tang Dynasty. Therefore, as a result of this study’s empirical review on the arguments of the main issues, it is difficult to connect the Lee In-deok family with Goguryeo only by the expression “the prestigious family of Nakrang” in his tomb inscription, but conversely, it is also difficult to explain why Lee In-deok tried to connect the name “Nakrang,” which is historically related to Goguryeo, with the place of origin of his ancestors in the inscription. In addition, among the titles that praised Lee In-deok’s contribution in his inscription, “Jincheng-jun(金城郡)” was an area where Goguryeo refugees had been forcibly mass-migrated and later belonged to Longyou-dao(隴右道), where the Goguryeo people had since been active for a long time as “the unified military group composed of Goguryeo people,” so it can be an argument to prove the possibility that Lee In-deok was a blood-related descendant of Goguryeo. And various cases were confirmed that the location of private mansions and cemeteries of prominent minority figures such as Goguryeo and Sogdians who lived in Changan, the capital of the Tang Dynasty, were not necessarily fixed according to their ancestry. In conclusion, the issue of revealing the lineage of Lee In-deok, who claimed to be from “the prestigious family of Nakrang” in his tomb inscription, is difficult to classify as a descendant of Goguryeo refugees based on historical arguments known to date, but it is also not easy to conclude that he is not of Goguryeo descent.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 이인덕 선조의 출신지

Ⅲ. 이인덕의 爵號와 私第ㆍ葬地 소재지

Ⅳ. 결론
