최근 검색어 전체 삭제

Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Medical Comorbidities in the Asian Population: Evidence From a Nationwide Healthcare System Data in South Korea

DOI : 10.30773/pi.2024.0045

Objective Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a breathing disorder characterized by recurrent airway obstruction during sleep. Previous western studies have investigated the link between medical disorders and the pathophysiology of OSA. The prevalence and comorbidity rates of OSA; however, vary across different countries and racial groups. This study aimed to delve into medical comorbidities in patients with OSA using a large nationwide healthcare database in Korea. Methods This nationwide study used the Korean National Health Insurance claims database (2010–2019). The effect of OSA on the incidence of medical disorders was estimated using the Cox proportional hazard ratio (HR) model. The results were reported as crude and adjusted HRs with 95% confidence intervals (CI). Subgroup analysis was conducted by sex and age. Results In total, 103,785 patients with OSA and 207,570 patients without OSA were included. OSA group had significantly higher HRs for ischemic heart disease and stroke even after adjusting for hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes. The OSA group also showed an increased risk of metabolic syndrome-related diseases, chronic kidney disease, and gastroesophageal reflux disease. Female patients with OSA exhibited notably higher rates of comorbid liver cirrhosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and asthma. The cardiovascular burden of patients increased in accordance with the patients’ age. Conclusion Korean patients with OSA have a significantly increased risk of cardio-cerebrovascular diseases, which aligns with the previous studies conducted in the western countries. This result holds particular significance as it represents the first nationwide, population-based study conducted in Asia. Psychiatry Investig 2024;21(9):987-993





