A Review on the Critical Mathematics Education: Focused on Ole Skovsmose's Theory
- 아시아태평양교육문화융복합학회
- Asia Pacific Journal of Teaching and Learning
- 제4권 제2호
- 2024.09
- 1 - 18 (18 pages)
Purpose This study aims to explore the historical and theoretical foundations of Critical Mathematics Education (CME) centered on Ole Skovsmose's theory and to suggest implications for Korean mathematics education. Method The method of the study is literature review, which is an important research method that analyzes and synthesizes existing research and theories on the Critical Mathematics Education, providing the background and theoretical foundation of the research. Results CME is an important educational approach that helps students cultivate the ability to critically analyze social problems and contribute to solving them through mathematical knowledge. Korean mathematics education has long emphasized the transmission and evaluation of mathematical knowledge, and in the process, it has emphasized objective and procedural problem-solving skills. Nevertheless, this traditional approach has shown limitations in students' decreased interest in mathematics, lack of critical thinking skills and social problem-solving skills. Conclusion The implication of this study is that Critical Mathematics Education (CME) can become a new paradigm that can overcome the limitations of Korean mathematics education and enable students to realize social justice and critical thinking skills through mathematics education. In order to successfully introduce this into Korean mathematics education, it is necessary to reset educational goals, strengthen training to change teachers' awareness, reform the evaluation system such as the College Scholastic Ability Test, and utilize digital technology.
I. Introduction
II. Theoretical Background
III. Method
IV. The Implications of CME on Korean Mathematics Education
V. Discussions and Suggestions