최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

내수용 감각과 정서조절

Interoception and Emotion Regulation

DOI : 10.4306/jknpa.2024.63.4.199
  • 12

This paper reviews recent research and neuropsychological findings pertaining to the relationship between emotion regulation and interoception. This study adopted a narrative review approach, drawing upon diverse databases such as PudMed, PsycINFO, and SSCI for a comprehensive literature search. The analysis followed a structured sequence, initially exploring the diverse compositions and definitions of emotion and physical sensation. The dimensions and measurements of interception were examined. This paper discusses the potential mechanisms through which interoception influences emotion regulation and examines the appropriateness of using interoceptive skills to treat emotional disorders. Numerous findings substantiate the association between interoception and emotion regulation. In particular, the interoceptive senses perceived at the moment interact with the autonomic nervous system, along with the predictive representations in the central nervous system, influencing emotional states. Clinical research has consistently demonstrated how challenges in recognizing and interpreting interoceptive sensations correlate with difficulties in emotion regulation. These findings suggest a paradigm shift in understanding emotion regulation through the lens of bodily sensations. Nevertheless, further research is needed to consolidate the notion of how interoception is linked to the development and perpetuation of mood disorders, positioning it as a promising target for therapeutic interventions.

신체 감각: 고유 수용, 외수용, 내수용

내수용 감각 지각의 3가지 차원과 측정방법

내수용 감각 지각과 정서조절 장애

내수용 감각 지각과 치료적 개입

결 론

