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KCI등재후보 학술저널

압축기 고장유형별 데이터 진단 기준 분석 연구

Research on data diagnosis standard analysis by compressor failure type

DOI : 10.55079/jtee.2024.19.2.1
  • 5

Prevention of facility failure is a technology used in the manufacturing industry, power plants, plants, and industries. Systems that require high reliability can cause fatal accidents when wear, defects, or failures of operating equipment or facilities occur, requiring regular inspection and maintenance. In addition, complex systems such as oil and gas plants, power generation plants, and aircraft facilities require a lot of effort in basic design and maintenance because a single facility failure causes large losses and many casualties. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to review the research and status of existing oil and gas plants on the type of facility failure that precedes the predictive diagnosis of compressors in the plant and to present a method of analyzing data diagnosis criteria according to the type of failure of the compressor. In this study, the normal state was set using a commercial compressor Data Sheet, and the type of failure and the range of failure data were analyzed using actual normal data and failure data. Since limited actual data were used, detailed failure types could not be classified, but failure types were analyzed by dividing them into five types: bearing, valve, lubricant, leakage and insufficient, and surge area.

1. 서 론

2. 설비 고장 진단을 위한 이상감지 기법 종류

3. 고장유형별 데이터 진단 기준 분석 방법

4. 결 론

감사의 글

