![1. 환경에너지공학_19권 2호 표지.jpg](http:///contents.kyobobook.co.kr/sra/upload/book_img/106/1067659.jpg)
극초단파 및 흡착 공정을 이용한 파일럿 규모 폐수처리 시스템의 VOCs 및 중금속 제거 특성 평가
Evaluation of VOCs and Heavy Metal Removal Using Microwave and Adsorption Processes in a Pilot-Scale Wastewater Treatment System
- 한국환경에너지공학회
- 환경에너지공학
- 제19권 제2호
- : KCI등재후보
- 2024.12
- 35 - 39 (5 pages)
This study evaluated the removal characteristics of VOCs and heavy metals using a 10 ㎥/day pilot plant consisting of microwave and adsorption unit processes. The plant treated coagulated/settled effluent prior to biological treatment at the wastewater treatment facility of the S Paper Mill in Chungbuk. The influent concentrations of ethylbenzene and formaldehyde averaged 2.33 mg/L and 1.72 mg/L, respectively. After treatment, the effluent concentrations were reduced to 0.014 mg/L for ethylbenzene (99.3% removal efficiency) and 0.026 mg/L for formaldehyde (98.5% removal efficiency), achieving removal efficiency exceeding 98.0%. Additionally, the removal efficiencies for heavy metals were 100% for Cr and 98.3% for Zn. These results demonstrate that the combination of microwave and adsorption processes is an effective technology for the removal of VOCs and heavy metals from wastewater.
1. 서 론
2. 실험 재료 및 방법
3. 결과 및 고찰
4. 결론