최근 검색어 전체 삭제

문화 다양성 기반 지역 문화 예술 활동 사례 연구

A Case Study on Cultural Diversity-Based Regional Culture and Arts Activities

  • 60

This study focused on the cultural change process in the community and looked at the “Moldoo Laboratory” and “Spraying Cultural Diversity on Dried Rice” among the programs of the Guro Cultural Foundation, Guro-gu's representative cultural and artistic public institution, based on the theory of cultural diversity to discuss the use and direction of culture and arts. First, the two programs respect the rights of minorities by paying attention to children's rights and the human rights of migrants and the disabled. Second, the “Moldoo Laboratory” sought to provide an environment in which children could create their own thoughts and culture of minority classes. An attempt was made to resolve the conflict by paying attention to the inconveniences of migrants and the disabled, noting that it can be overlooked by the majority of opinions in prioritizing the program when proceeding with the program and revealing the relative values of minorities. Third, it can be seen that the above two programs laid the foundation for the integrated interaction of minorities.Accordingly, through examples of programs conducted by the Guro Cultural Foundation, it was found that the Guro-gu area wanted to communicate using culture and arts to recognize the cultural diversity of residents and lay the foundation for social integration. These cultural and artistic activities can increase regional identity as a sustainable society and lead to activities for regional development. In addition, it can be seen that Guro-gu is increasing the value of the region and creating a positive urban image through two examples of cultural and artistic activities of the Guro Cultural Foundation. Therefore, the cultural and artistic activities in the Guro-gu area need to be further strengthened in an intermediary role to understand and communicate with the cultural diversity of members.


Ⅰ. 들어가며

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경

Ⅲ. 생활문화 속 문화 다양성 프로그램 사례

Ⅳ. 생활문화 속 문화 다양성 프로그램 사례 분석 결과

Ⅴ. 나가며

