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KCI등재후보 학술저널

References from Isaiah in Revelation and Their Relation to Markings in Qumran Isaiah

DOI : 10.53665/isc.5.2.93
  • 28

Comparing phrases in Revelation and in Isaiah indicating a strong affinity, I rely on what scholars have already done. But this study takes the comparison in a new way to a deeper investigation of looking at markings in the Dead Sea Scroll of Isaiah from Cave 1, discovered in 1947. Scholars have discussed the three kinds of marks in the scroll, “horizontal line,” “hat” and “X.” This study investigates the preponderance of sweaty hand marks throughout the manuscript related to Revelation references. This was a very promising field to enter. Isaiah 66, 53 and 11, turn out to be very important for John in the Book Revelation. Isaiah 53 is probably the most sweaty marked chapter of the scroll. Fingerprints can be seen at Isaiah 52-53 area. The scroll may have been in Jewish Christians’ hands, and that may or may not have included John the Baptist and/or John the disciple of Jesus. John was a disciple of John the Baptist and when Jesus came to the Baptist, he was citing Isaiah 53 with the phrase “Lamb of God taking away the sins of the world.” Since the caves were visited three times in history: 213 AD; 806 AD and 1947, the allocation of the sweaty marks to a particular individual is extremely complicated.


The Difference in Thought Patterns of the Apostles and the Targumim or Jewish Middle Age Commentaries

Comparing Qumran Isaiah with John’s Interest in Isaiah 53:8

Septuagint Synthesis Explanation

Borders of This Study Explained

Modern Reproductions by South Koreans of the Isaiah Scroll

Problems with the Isaiah Scroll on Leaf 52: Different Photos, Different Markings



